29 Kasım 2011 Salı

Say thanks to Ms. Z.

Today, thank god i could wake up early and had enough time to catch the bus. Tugan was not at the school of course. We could not be at the same  lesson on last two week. Anyway, after the school, i talked with Ms. Z.
She helped me about my some stupid problems. These were about the language english, of course. She gave me lots of advices about that. Now I am pretty sure (more) about getting this shit over. I will work the problems out. End of these mounts, there will be a strong man who speak english fluently, even great at the most difficult parts of this.
Well, i need a laptop right now. I didn't bring mine for buying it at US. So I will buy one. By the way,  if I decided to bother it, why don't i have a MacBook? Holy shit, wait for returning of the king!

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